Love One Another
It has been over a month since my last post. I'm sorry for not writing sooner, but things had gotten pretty busy with everything that was going on. I will do my best to write more often from now on.
The exciting news...I graduated from Lebanon Valley College! I honestly can't believe how fast these past four years of my life have gone. I have enjoyed every single second of my time at LVC and wouldn't trade it for anything. I have significantly grown, made friends that will last a lifetime and beyond, and have found who I truly am. I am so thankful to my family and friends, without them, I would never have gotten through school or become the person I am today.
To update you on how my fundraising is going...I have raised $9,500! God is so good and has totally provided. I have officially paid everything to HEAL that is required and the rest of the money that is coming in is to help pay for my shots, VISAs, and dinner while I'm there. Thank you to everyone who has helped me financially. This journey would be impossible without you. If you wanted to still give financially, you can now send your donation to my house rather than my school. If you need the address, just let me know and I will get it to you :)
As for the shots, I have received 7 so far. The first time I went, I got to spend over 3 hours in the office and eventually received 5 shots. My flu shot, the first of Hep A and Hep B, Polio, and Typhoid. After I received all of the shots, I thanked the woman who gave them to me. She seemed really surprised and asked why I was thanking her and explained how most people normally cry and scream at her instead. I laughed and said I was fine and that she was helping me from getting sick during the year I'll be serving in Africa so I really appreciated her shooting my arms up with the immunizations. I had to go back a couple days later for my yellow fever shot (I got my yellow card which I need to bring with me when I travel) and the first of the rabies shots. That trip took over an hour. The same woman gave me these shots too and again I smiled through it and thanked her after. I still need another Hep A, 2 more of Hep B, and 2 more of the rabies.
The 7 shots that I have gotten have gotten so far have cost me almost $1,000. I still need the 5 more plus I need to get my script for the malaria pills and the other medicine that I need to get incase I get sick while I'm there. The malaria is a pill a day so that is a huge script. The thought of how much I'm spending on the medication makes me cringe a little bit but at the same time I know it's necessary so that I can stay healthy in order to do the work that God has called me to do.
I have been in my Bible a lot and have been reading some books that were recommended to me to read before I leave on this journey. I've been praying a lot and I know there are people who are praying for my preparation on this journey as well. Thank you to everyone who has been praying and to those who will pray for me while I am there. Prayer is such an important part of this journey, especially because I am going alone. I ask that you pray for the preparation of my heart, the hearts of the people I will be serving with, and for the hearts that I will be serving.
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