Love One Another

It has been over a month since my last post. I'm sorry for not writing sooner, but things had gotten pretty busy with everything that was going on. I will do my best to write more often from now on. The exciting news...I graduated from Lebanon Valley College! I honestly can't believe how fast these past four years of my life have gone. I have enjoyed every single second of my time at LVC and wouldn't trade it for anything. I have significantly grown, made friends that will last a lifetime and beyond, and have found who I truly am. I am so thankful to my family and friends, without them, I would never have gotten through school or become the person I am today. To update you on how my fundraising is going...I have raised $9,500! God is so good and has totally provided. I have officially paid everything to HEAL that is required and the rest of the money that is coming in is to help pay for my shots, VISAs, and dinner while I'm there. Thank you to everyone who has ...