
When I got the email from Tina with all of the information about HEAL, I was so excited. And then immediately very overwhelmed. A number was put to this journey. I will have to raise approximately $10,000 in order to stay with HEAL for the year. $10,000. That's a pretty big number. That number made this all very real. It put doubt in my mind. How the heck am I going to raise $10,000? I can't do that in such a short amount of time...what happens if I don't raise the money? Fear caused my mind to start doubting. And then I stopped. And I realized that God always provides. And I knew that I would be able to get the money needed to go because God is good. And he is faithful. And he would not call me to do something so great and have everything fall into place like this and then not let me go because of money. The money breaks down like this: $2500 - flight $1650 - first three months lodging, internet and lunch $2700 - last nine...