6 Months Later

So, as you know, I have done an absolutely terrible job of blogging this year and somehow the last post I did was 6 months ago! I honestly don't know how it is November already. This year has absolutely flown by. I try to post daily on instagram to keep everyone updated about what's going on, but let me hit a few key things from the last couple of months for you here. And then if you bear with me through that, I have a bit of an update about what's next for me. May In May, I got to go out to Nakabango a couple of times with Heather to see the progress of the piggery that HHFA was building. Since then, she's doubled the piggery and has many more pigs (including adorable little piglets that I can't wait to go out and meet). This is also the month that I hopped over our wall on our compound (this is no longer doable because we had it rebuilt) to rescue two puppies that children had tortured all day and left tied up so tight that I could hardly get the scissors ...