The Last 4 Months
It’s been a long time since I last wrote. I’ve thought about writing a lot of times, but something always stopped me. I think I felt that I couldn’t write about a lot of things that were going on. My parents got divorced in February. This is something that rocked my world and flipped it upside down. I’m 25 years old but I think it’s even worse now than it would have been when I was younger. How could two people who love each other, who raised me together happily my entire life, suddenly no longer want to be together? I have always wanted to get married. I believe that somewhere, God is preparing a man who will be my husband and I will be his wife. But then when I look at my parents, it makes me question if it is worth it. And I hate that. I know marriage isn’t easy. I’ve witnessed enough of them fall apart to know. And statistics show us that about a third of every marriage in the United States ends in divorce. The CDC shows that in 2015, over 2.2 million people got marrie...