One Heart

Last time there were three months in between my blog posts. Now I'm down to two months in between. That's a little better, right? I am very sorry for being so terrible at writing these. The days are so long and the weeks just fly by and writing these escapes me. I don't even want to be writing this at the moment, but yet here I am forcing myself because I haven't been very fair to anyone who is following my journey this time around. This was the first time my new "googles" were tried on by a child this time around. Last time I wrote, Heather had just left for America. She had almost two months at home during which she pretty much worked all day, every day, and is now back here with me. We've been enjoying hanging out since she's been back, going out to eat for food and watching Grey's Anatomy in the evenings together. We went through a period of a few days without having water in Jinja right before she got back...and I was a little worrie...