Ebb and Flow

View during dinner at the Haven It has been way too long since I’ve last written my friends; for that I am sorry. There has been a lot going on at home that I’m not allowed to speak about so I’ve been dreading having to sit down and write. I still can’t speak about what’s going on at home, but please be praying for my family. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” –Ephesians 4:2 These past three months seem to have flown by. At the same time, so much has happened within those three months, more than what seems possible. We are now in Mzungu season here in Jinja. Teams and interns have been arriving (not only for HEAL but every other organization in Jinja as well) and there are overwhelming amounts of white people around town. Bible study with the women in Masese There are a few things that I love about having people come here for the first time. First of all, they remind you of how you saw this place when you first...