
Christian music fills me. No matter where I'm at, Christian music allows me to worship my God and pour out my heart to Him. These are some songs that have recently been on my heart. These words were on my heart during the worship and prayer time at the end of one of the Bible studies that we have for the women on Fridays. All of the women were praying out loud in Lugandan or Lusoga and these words were heavy on my heart so I just started to quietly sing them to Him. Our God is great. In the midst of struggle or self-doubt, our God is always great. He is always sure. And he is worthy of all of our praise, no matter what is going on around us. Life isn't always easy. We lost that life when Adam and Eve sinned and got us kicked out of the garden. Jesus never promised us an easy life. But he did promise us salvation and life everlasting if we believe in him. Evil happens in this world because of Satan, but God will use that evil in his ulti...